Apocalypse Chow

Months ago I promised to supply a super-easy, super-cheap Spartan recipe that kept me alive one lean student summer in New Mexico, when I was packed into a tiny barrio apartment with three other people. This recipe predates my veganism and even my vegetarianism, but was nevertheless my default dinner many nights out of economic…

Sprouts of Ill Repute

I hated Brussels sprouts growing up. I mean hated them, more than just about any other vegetable. Like many things I thought I hated growing up, however — like feminism, so-called “bleeding heart” values and “slutty” behavior — this had everything to do with how they were presented to me. My mom basically boiled all…

Tempty Spicy Nugget Bits

I’ll confess I don’t eat a lot of tempeh — I tend to default to tofu when buying soy protein — but as often happens lately, the voracious hordes of meat-deprived omnivores had cleared out the tofu section at the supermarket. Only the tempeh was left, sitting forlornly by itself in the refrigerated case. I…

Berry Jam

I’m sure all masked culinarians who sally forth in still-treacherous quests for ingredients are looking forward to coming home with everything on their shopping lists. Maybe we won’t take the typical near-ridiculous abundance of the average (U.S.) supermarket so for granted in the future. So last time around, I found myself wishing I had something…

Handle Your Own Biscuit(s)

The drama this week, on top of everything else, was about a backing-up sink in the apartment below me that forestalled much cooking over the weekend. Fortunately I had pre-frozen saag and dal in the freezer. The plumbing professionals did make an appearance (in their gloves and masks), but it was an involved and messy…

(Meat)Balling on Lockdown

I’ll tell you what, it’s not so easy to keep up a vegan food blog when the grocery stores are suddenly having shortages on staples like legumes, pulses, rice, and dried pasta. I hear the carnivores can’t get their carne … maybe that explains all the sudden raids on plant-based proteins. And for the moment…

2 Live Stew (Miso-Horny)

I realize I’m showing my age here with the dated musical reference … but since people are starting to hoard water and toilet paper in the wake of this virus scare, I decided to go looking into the best plant-based anti-viral foods. I already knew a bit about garlic, ginger, citrus, and spicy capsicum peppers,…

Spud Lust Hungry Peasant Soup

Oi, my new work gig is keeping me busy. Last week the only new thing I managed to cook up was a batch of brownies, and while they prompted spontaneous ecstasies from people I’m more than happy to spontaneously ecstasy, I can’t really pass them off as my own. Head on over to Sweetest Menu…

Bean Lovers’ Chili

Last week I promised chili to go with those ground corn muffins, so this week we have a hearty winter chili recipe that’ll have you lapping up all kinds of beans and liking it! Funny story … the Sprouts grocery store in my area had their canned beans displayed on an endcap, and I had…

Ground Corn Muffins

Sorry I’ve been AWOL for the past couple of weeks! I got an amazing if challenging new job writing up reports for an organization that does assessments for asylum cases, so my plate (so to speak) is a lot fuller. I had a few disappointing trysts with Yukon Gold potatoes in the meantime – I…